Tall people

The day has come to meet your fate.


Too bad hobbits can only reach up to our knees if they really stretch


Your stubby ass legs ain’t reaching us

Dwarfern invasion

“i will slap your knee caps” -my closes friend that a lot shorter than me (skill issue imo)

Watch out he could hit your balls from there
Ig that’s the upside to being a gnome, easy access to the crit spot

Some have failed to see the power of ankle biting…

nah, she will need to charge up her attack first to reach any part of me, that will give me enough time to dodge it or parry it

also this got me courios, i called her short atleast over 400 times

5’5 is tall apparently

tall people have never fought a baby zombie and it shows

Screw you guys I’m exactly average height. No man can kick me

wait the fuck you mean 5’4

Five foot four is tall???

Evidently, this holiday was made by Iris.

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Y’all ain’t catching up to me with those stubby legs!

wait over 5’4 is tall?

guys I’m 5’6

Shortie…im 5’9 :moyai:

Prepared to get kicked in the shins

Ur short?

Or tall?

That wasn’t a threat
That was a warning


Im super scared now :scream:

Isn’t the average 5’9?