yo we getting a stealth update or something?
There’s a stealth mission in Fort Talos
what happens if we don’t stealth
You don’t pass?
guards kill you = you are dead = you can not pass
Because you are supposed to be stealthy in the STEALTH mission, it isn’t like every third mission is a stealth mission, it’s just this one mission that requires stealth
Now this topic is going to get split
but can’t I kill the guards with my gamer skillz
idk its part of the story and vetex doesnt want to show anything story related
anyways ur flooding the thread so ask cryo or divanochi to split or something if you want to keep talking about it maybe pretty please with a cherry on top
theres too many
but it’s arena and I am boss
argos is the boss.
Only until we arrive
no I am
I’m not trapped in there with argos.
argos is trapped in there with ME
I killed vetex as warm up.
argos is looking at his corpse in worry.
Metal gear solid 6: The Mines of Superiority