Teddy Carter [AO OC]

*The sea – tranquil in the way it moves in currents, guiding boats across its surface and providing home to ocean life below it. However violent in the way it kills, storms and swells polluted with curses shredding into anyone who dares to underestimate it. It is believed to hold magic no mortal body could withstand, yet regardless of its frightening mystery, we traverse it anyway. *

That is what it was to be a human to him. To risk his life for hardly a reason.

He felt like the ocean’s nature was all he’d ever known - he owned distant memories of floating aimlessly across the sea, like ash laid tamely atop the water’s skin. Acquainted with every ebb, flow, and tide; the crash of waves to shore and the taste of salt so strangely familiar. Like the beach was his bed, the sand his cushion.

Hello AO community :blush: I’ve been making art for AO on my own for about a year now and I’ve only just discovered this forum!! This is Teddy Carter, my little pookie bear :kissing_cat:


Welcome aboard! can’t wait to see more of your art.

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good job… tho he lookin sadge

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he’s just dramatic

still sadge

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the rendering and lighting is beautiful :heart_eyes:

welcome to the forums btw

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Shiny water :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Omg the lighting wtf :purple_heart::purple_heart:

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I SAW THIS ON INSTAGRAM AND I WAS JUST :boom::boom::boom::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: RAHHHHHHH (/pos)

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i honestly dont think i can even EXPLAIN how much i love this

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YESSSS UR A REAL ONE!!! everyone go follow my insta too :yum:

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