Tell me your class and i make a meta build for you

Its just going to be i2 with like 200-300 atk spd and alot of power and defenceđź‘Ť

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you can try but i don’t know what the hell i’m doing so good luck

Lightning Sailor Fist Boxing Savant (i might change Boxing out for a newer FS or maybe a Lost Magic so that’s just a placeholder)

lightning conj (already have a planned one for this)

ice sailor (wearing scraps)

warrior (wearing worse scraps)

Metal-light mage rn, but i am gonna change to fire-light in the empires update, so make a new build for me :pleading_face:
also no insanity, i dont do that

Metal conj, now make me meta (also note I actively despise modifiers, the build can be a bit worse because of this (Atlantean is fine tho))

Also if you somehow made a metal conj attack speed build that would be hilarious

That just sounds like my current one with i2 instead of i1 lol

Light conj

So far there have been 0 builds posted, frauduchiha?

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I main Mage, but I’ve been making a lot of work with that one already.
Gimme a Ileg Juggernaut build, will ya?
Preferably one that uses regen, because I like regen, and it goes specifically well with vit builds.

Or don’t, I’m not in priority need of it.

if not the new fs, ileg is pretty good.

but dead ass just run this once ur rich


this was my reaction to seeing 3 sunken items.

eh i might just use Dark Bronze or Theurgist or something in replacement, but thanks this is a really good suggestion. i’m gonna rework it a bit but this’ll be the draft

u can get away with using size instead of atk spd cuz ur using fire and light.

sunken’s are just a matter of time u put into the game you will get them eventually either via trade or getting into luck parties with friends and stuff.

you can get them fast by like strategically grinding for it but thats a whole other thing.

unfortunatly the way regen scales rn its not worth using.

but juggernaught is one of the main meta builds rn only gets beat by people who can out run them and hit them like back dash mage.

Yeah, that’s fair.
This is my current idea for a jugg build, and only slightly off from what it actually is right now. Just in case you were curious.
Murder me over it.

Yeah get rid of regen, u can use this template but using alot of power and defense is more efficient.

60% vitality cannon fist sand savant

wind paladin

probably will switch to wind ice tho, miss the bridging

shadow/boxing warlock that focuses on general utility, just like shadow, being good for basically any situation.

1 insanity is fine