Tell me youre a glass canon without telling me youre a glass canon

no my piercing shot
my musket m1 does 300 damage and i have 113 power


bro really cast that hollow purple piercing shot

Yup. And insanity 3

1.5k health is good enough

I like seeing numbers go up in any game I play. RPGs included

man’s gonna 3shot calvus

I wish :pensive:
It takes a lot of set up which isn’t possible while fighting (and you can’t freeze bosses) but my pulsars would’ve melted him

slowness V greatburst:
Paralysed V greatburst:

bro’s got hollow points loaded with extra gunpowder in them

okay but in all seriousness, do you actually use this

No, but if I want to pvp on that file I’ll use a similar set but with 1 less insanity

Those don’t apply the frozen status which is required for the +30% (I think) damage synergy

filled those musket balls with an imaginary mass

is freezing also good

only for damage screenshots. it lasts such a short time it’s impossible to hit a frozen enemy with a metal attack unless someone else freezes them for you right as your attack is about to land. Acid is good and consistent though

freezing gel:
freezing (great)burst:
freezing (super)nova:

I believe those are applied after the damage is dealt (and they only last a fraction of a second) so it’s very difficult to get the damage synergy using those

throwing potions still work though, they last around 10 seconds or something

we need a gun that shoots potions so i can blast someone with a t5 freeze potion and yell “FREEZE RAY”