Terrain Destruction Rework

Terrain Destruction Rework https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/5/052933da038497cb63dedbbee163b3884e982064_2_1024x671.jpeg
effort 3.2 5 quality 2.333333333333333 3 reasonability 3.714285714285714 7

Terrain destruction is a glitchy mess that is only good for ruining the fluidity of fights and lagging the game. So I propose a solution to at least one of those problems. Currently you could blast a cube shaped crater into the ground which on paper sounds cool but it often causes you to get stuck under the terrain and get punished by your opponent. Combat in this game is far too fast paced to be focusing on playing hop scotch while getting blasted by attacks. Instead of creating 10 feet deep holes it could be replaced with a 0.5 stud or 1 stud deep patch.

Here’s an example:

One of the main issues with terrain destruction is when holes are created often times a small patch of land is left floating above the hole which players get stuck in. On the left side of the image is a 0.5 stud deep patch and on the right side is a 1 stud deep patch. Currently there are multiple layers when you destroy terrain, but if this is reduced to a single layer anywhere between 0.5 studs to 1 stud deep, it could improve combat, improve immersion, prevent players from getting stuck underneath the ground, and potentially reduce lag.

That’s nonexistent

Attack size will be useless then so no.

No thank you. Fuck your pvp


I think you mean attack destruction, which is still useful for when you get trapped in the palo town tunnel

I thought it was same but yea attack destruction

I hate getting stuck on Ravenna throne room carpet and then I die to the sky laser.

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I feel this one a LOT. When I’m just simply fighting Calvus, that terrain is a PAIN.


This would about halve the pain of boss fights. Though I think Vetex kinda likes the idea of an arena being destroyed as the fight goes on, I personally think it’s a bit much. Also, as attacks get larger and more powerful, soon we will reach a point where one attack destroys like a twenty-by-twenty stud area of land.

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I like it.

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Hot Take: Terrain destruction is fun

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Honestly, I don’t like this. It’s good for fighting bosses or in arenas but it makes everything else boring and bland.

I think an easy half-solution would be to heavily increase the strength of terrain in places such as arenas or boss arenas. For places like Munera Garden, it only makes sense for the arena to be really strong because people will be constantly fighting there.

I think these floating parts are caused by terrain regeneration being clumsy and attacks somehow destroying weird parts of terrain. I think a solution would be that if a part is about to regenerate, then all broken parts below it will also regenerate. And if a part below a part is destroyed then the part will also be destroyed at the same time, creating consistent craters.

An alternative solutiong would be to automatically delete floating parts, but this might cause some issues with the top parts of areas taking way too long to regen (top part regens and is deleted, bottom part regens, top part has to wait the regen timer again).

I also think it would be nice if terrain didn’t regen during battle/while players are around. It’s kinda silly seeing it regen infront of your eyes anyways.


Well said, this is exactly the issue rn

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nuh uh. ive never had this problem before, except in calvus arena, which could easily be solved with a magic jump in my case. theres no need for this anywhere else, terrain destruction is fine the way it is

it IS fun but its done kinda poorly

Honestly I don’t mind the destruction, but maybe we should just destroy the floating parts (because gravity) but still have 5 meter holes

It’d be better to just add conditions for certain types of materials. Say stone right, there shouldn’t be that big of an issue if it let us make a tunnel or something. However grass, carpet, and tiles (Munera, Elius) will either be automatically destroyed if the ground underneath it is destroyed or the ground underneath will resist the destruction it would otherwise receive.

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