Testament of Othrys - An Arcane Odyssey Tournament Series

This is great, i’ve missed the old WOM tournies, and was confused why there havent been as many despite AO having much better combat.

there’s already like 64 participants

bracket is on challonge.
that’s all the entrants, unless someone can’t make it. then we’re open to backups, yes.

though we’re still open to more!

Though we have two people who aren’t participating or they can’t participate
One of them is ezia

What time does the event start. May not be able to join tho


Good luck

Edit: I forgot to mention this, though I must say a tourney without a prize pool is not going to attract many half decent players, but I guess it works if you want a casual tournament? Kinda boring though

P.S @MrNormalBox wanna redo our tourney but bigger and better (and less shit) in the future? I wanna personally add a sunken or two this time around

new video when

btw signup is still open

its been 4 hours its due for a reply

also bracket’s unchanged for now

i may or may not have reset my main to a wind mage for the funnies
new main is a lightning conj alt but its only level 40


whats your 2nd magic

Well what’s yours?


Dangit mine is snow

i am here

going well so far

why not sure

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maple since when u were a game mod???