Testament of Othrys - An Arcane Odyssey Tournament Series

metamancer smh

some time around release


only just realised i put hmo instead of hmu

I might participate but IDK how cringey the enemy may be

preview bracket



Where can I join? Can y’all save a spot for me? I’m in school and wanna sign up this afternoon

bro boxi and noober are joining it…

we’re done for folks

We are screwed

Don’t worry though, I’ll be training hard and posting my training montages on YouTube. Hopefully it will give my clan exposure too

Felix is really good too. Annoying but good. Suncringe member btw

Oh hell nah I have to fight Felix

Where am I?

I want to join too

then join the server

can i maek youtube vidoe :pleading_face:

I can’t still in school and my Internet is horrible. I’ll have to wait 3 hours to join :sob:

Discord server? can’t join rn im in school