Tester QNA

Hey can i also have my own island?

like, capturing?


Cant wait to name a guild “vitorgue” and capture isles alone

when is AO car update

I want to have 3 magics and have a lost and primordial (therefore having to be a wizard build). Do I have to invest every single one of my stat points forever into magic, or can I put anything into vitality? If so, how much until it switches to padalin?

unsure the range but you dont gotta go 100% to go full mage

That’s kinda scary haha. I want to at least have some vitality on my main file. If I accidentally end up being a padalin, would it switch back after I add some more magic stat points, and if so would I be messed up if my awakening was around that time?

awakenings no idea
obviously if you get a certain amount of magic points then boom you’re full mage and you can switch back and fourth

Just gotta make sure i’m the right class when awakening comes around, huh.

Did vetex say anything about public tournaments hosted by him or other moderators?


Epic :flushed::ok_hand:

are there any specific not mentioned stats that increase with level or stats? say, magic size, magic speed, casting speed, and stuff

Do you know what items are staying and which will be removed or is Vetex still working on that

If you’re allowed to tell us, what’s with some of the weapons having an “e” move is it just place holder? Or is vetex working on the second skills for weapons

it’s the placeholder for the next moves

Are you a tester?
that’s what I thought.

is gen 2 given to people with the aa beta badge or to people who have bought access to the game before

aa beta