Tester QNA

whirpool sea

Can i have a pet shark?

no (i think)

But what about pet Morden?

Oh shit there’s a maybe

so you’re telling me
there’s a chance ?

probably not

There’s a chance

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i afraid not fam :frowning:

There’s a chance but there’s also a chance that Dream beat the speedrun legit, that every single one of your particles will simultaneously quantum tunnel through an object, that there’s an exact duplicate of you somewhere in the universe, etc.

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what’s your rough estimate of the amount of lore finished/planned out

why are you so bad at pvp


still, there is a chance
though that doesn’t mean that it will happen because there is also a chance for it not to

alright boys, solve for X

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i’d say like 8 or 9 or 10% at best, maybe even less

Teacher: The test isn’t that confusing.

The Test:

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can you still catch shark while fishing ?

Up until what level of the story has been completed?

I believe around 20-30, 40 at absolute maximum
I believe I had asked this before