Tgr should fix wom, not make a new game

in an alternate universe it was a completely new game without any connection to the aa universe

The people against AO are a minority and it’s going to be developed whether you like it or not :fr:

I won’t give a 10 page essay reply this time since @Mimhere already linked my rant to end all rants.

At the end of the day, we know you’re going to play AO anyway.

Yes I will, it’s just that making a “true sequel” instead of fixing a game is cringe

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based :nod:

and adding onto that AA is a dead game, players literally can’t play it anymore so it doesn’t make sense for there to be a “true sequel” of it.

Lore? (7 characters)

he is fixing the game, the problem was that the game was wom :fr:

what lore lol

People would care about it being a sequel, and bringing back old concepts from, what you stated as ‘a dead game you can’t even play anymore’, you answered your own query there, you can’t play it anymore, so you’d want something else like it, AO is said solution, also, it’s easier to correlate between AO and AA rather than WoM and AA in my opinion.
sorry if that made no fucking sense im very tired

NGL, the game felt like a demo worked on for months before being scrapped. I feel like AO suits Vetex more, which is a shame because in concept I love the magic system and the idea of being a guild of friends who fight for glory and go on quest helping people

i kinda dont care tbh

i was excited abt the change in environment that WoM would introduce in contrast to AA’s island format but then i discovered that it’s boring as shit and i don’t like it.

it’s still fixing the game and functionally making it a “better wom”, but it’s also removing the boring ass map and replacing it with something that is actually good lol

Lol, I thought everyone was semi-aware of this.
WoM was not an enjoyable game past the first, like, 5 fucking minutes of playing it.

You want my opinion? Here it is:

Shit idc whether you call it a revamp or a new game entirely. WoM wasn’t hot garbage, but it wasn’t that good either. The revamp is an uncontestable improvement.

Also who are you to make statements on what TGR is “supposed” to be? You aren’t even the developer, how do you know what it’s supposed to be?
It’s everyday with this shit huh?


I have no idea what this means.

AO is fixing WoM.

Problems with WoM and their AO solutions:

  1. Continents take a long time to make. There is a lot of emptiness between POIs that take months to implement. That’s why there hasn’t been a new interesting thing added to the WoM map since release. However, if the game was fragmented into islands, the space between POIs can simply be ocean. He can then add multiple islands with towns per update.

  2. Making all NPCs feel alive is extremely resource intensive and adds very little to the game. However, if all non-enemies are replaced by static NPCs, this issue can be fixed.

Problems that these solutions bring up & auxiliary solutions:

  1. If the game is in islands, it is difficult to get from place to place. This can be fixed by implementing ships.

  2. If all NPCs are static and preset, the existing quest system cannot work. This can be fixed by making quests preset as well. This would also require making the story more linear (which is good, since the WoM story was boring and would always be boring because of the way story quests worked).

  3. If the game is replaced with islands, how will that fit with the lore? This can be fixed by scrapping the existing story and replacing it with one that takes place around the same time as AA. This would have to be in a new place in order to have AA able to exist in the lore.

Every change that AO brings is a logical solution to every problem with WoM.

AO is just a better idea for Vetex to develop in general. The dumbass tried making an open world game (WoM) as a solo dev. Of course it’s gonna be shit, one person can’t make all those modular systems, let alone optimize them unless they take massive amounts of time. Everyone’s demanding another update because each update really just adds so little to the gameplay.

God knows why he didn’t get any help other than some builders which have nothing to do with coding, but if he really has that much of a problem with working with other people, the formula AO’s going for is going to be more optimal. Static NPCs are much easier to code and place, islands are much easier to build since you don’t have to BUILD the ocean, and the unnecessary hard-to-code modular systems will be no more.

The most important part of a game is gameplay, and in AO, since he’s spending much less time on the things I said above, Vetex can spend more time refining gameplay. The game will probably end up being much more fun this way.

He already made most of the WoM specific systems, so I don’t know what your “coding help” point is about.

Those systems took months to make??? Do you not remember the update gap???
And in the end they didn’t even make the game any fun.

So the unfixable concepts and systems are fixable by… working on them until they’re fixed? How do you “fix/polish a system” that’s already completed and polished? That’s right! Make a new one or remake it, which is exactly what Vetex is doing right now!

Man you should REALLY not be a developer…

Nah man I think you shouldn’t be a developer

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you ever heard of opinions? yeah everyone forgot about them here