Since it’s Thanksgiving in the US, I thought it would be appropriate to have a pretend dinner in which we bring various foods, and maybe share one thing that we’re grateful for.
I’m bringing Turkey since it can’t really be Thanksgiving without it. Something that I’m thankful for is just having a loving family and being able to have time to spend with them, and also the forum since I spend a lot of time on here too
I am thankful for my family all that they do for me. I am also thankful for Abraham Lincoln giving us one of the best US National Holidays (it was Abraham Lincoln who made Thanksgiving a national holiday during the Civil War to unite the country).
I brought the green bean casserole
I’m thankful that I’m able to get an education. Many people in the world can’t.
I’m also thankful for my family and friends. Just trying to be kind is hard for me but I’m working on it. And their understanding really helps.
im that one homeless dude who just walked in on the celebration(did not bring anything)
I am thankful for:
my family except for my dad
my creativity
being able to make friends in any environment(believe it or not I can)
having good friends
not being depressed
not being dead