there’s a lore reason this is possible (who fucking cares about lore here anyways???): the heat is partially powered by metabolism (mathematically that’s so little heat) and it damages the user’s body, which forces the user to have to eat while fighting and yes they run the risk of starvation
ngl once i’m done with status effects, making most of the weapons will be much easier; it’ll just be making a model and slapping on some stats and status effects
one of the big reasons it could take so long is the unique effects that i have to spend time coding unique effects, such as special moves (kalitsajor X, null magic)
also dont forget modeling the weapon (i dont have a modeler )
i plan to have at least 48 weapons on true first release, and the current planned ones are (there’s 30):
That’s quite the amount of weapons for a true release, I see you have 7 Done and 2 almost completes. It’ll be quite the journey to get there :0 Good luck! (Also how does avolition look )
The amount of different weapons reminds me of an old game I used to enjoy a lot. Akame ga kill : Killzone where you could use tons of different weapons for fighting and enjoyment. Each one was unique and implemented differently like how you’ve been doing.