I would post any updates about that magic power simulator here.
I made Furinsajor and Kalitsajor. Furinsajor is fully functional while Kalitsajor isn’t.
I’m currently thinking about what weapons to release on open alpha version and the weapon types system. There might be base weapon types.
I’m scared that the weapon code will get super messy as more weapons are added down the line.
im currently thinking of adding an equip requirement where you need to meet certain stat conditions to equip certain weapons
im still thinking about how i’ll do my weapon moves and the base weapon type system
here’s each of their abilities and many of them are similar/identical:
[R] Circular Sweep: Spin once to unleash a circular shockwave slash around you.
[T] Flying Slash: Swing your sword to unleash a flying mana slash in front of you.
[G] Triple Combo: Swing your sword in front of you 3 times.
[B] Mana Stab: Use your sword and stab in front of you to unleash a thin cone-shaped mana blast forward.
[V] Rush: Fly towards your target at very high speeds while your weapon is pointing towards them.
[R] Weapon Throw: Throw your weapon. You will get it back in a few seconds.
[T] Flying Slash: Swing your spear to unleash a small fast flying mana slash in front of you.
[G] Triple Combo: Use your spear to stab in front of you 3 times.
[B] Mana Stab: Use your spear and stab in front of you to unleash a thin cone-shaped mana blast forward.
[V] Rush: Fly towards your target at very high speeds while your weapon is pointing towards them.
[R] Circular Sweep: Spin once to unleash a big circular shockwave slash around you.
[T] Flying Slash: Swing your halberd to unleash a flying mana slash in front of you.
[G] Triple Combo: Swing and stab using your halberd in front of you 3 times.
[B] Mana Stab: Use your spear and stab in front of you to unleash a thin cone-shaped mana blast forward.
[V] Rush: Rush towards your target at very high speeds while your weapon is pointing towards them.
[C] Slam: Lift your halberd from behind you and slam it down to release a shockwave and a flying mana slash that travels a very short distance.
[R] Circular Sweep: Spin once to unleash a circular shockwave slash around you.
[T] Flying Slash: Swing your halberd to unleash a flying mana slash in front of you.
[G] Triple Combo: Swing your axe very fast in front of you 3 times.
[B] Slam: Lift your axe from behind you and slam it down to release a small shockwave and a flying mana slash that travels a very short distance.
[V] Rush: Fly towards your target at very high speeds and swing your weapon once you go to them.
[R] Circular Sweep: Spin once quickly in a 360 degree motion, damaging everyone around you.
[T] Flying Slash: Swing your dagger to unleash a small and short flying mana slash in front of you.
[G] Triple Combo: Swing your dagger very fast in front of you 3 times.
[B] Weapon Throw: Throw your weapon. You will get it back in a few seconds.
[V] Rush: Slightly rush towards your enemy and very quickly swing your dagger twice to inflict a lot of damage.
[R] Circular Sweep: Spin once to unleash a giant circular shockwave slash around you.
[T] Flying Slash: Swing your greatsword to unleash a giant flying mana slash in front of you.
[G] Triple Combo: Swing your greatsword in front of you 3 times.
[B] Slam: Lift your greatsword from behind you and slam it down to release a shockwave and a flying mana slash that travels a very short distance.
[V] Rush: Fly towards your target at very high speeds while your weapon is pointing towards them.
those without any abilities: rapier, mace, hammer
should i remove the weapon elemental system/classification
yes means you can go ham on ideas
no means slightly more consistent
bruh my weapons look so shit and they wont attract little kids with because theyre not flashy enough
Does Furinsajor look shit? (Dagger)
Does Kalitsajor look shit? (Spear)
Does Haitsenkori look shit? (Greatsword)
(each grid space = 1 stud, the measurements are slightly off because the weapon is slightly in front, roblox characters are 5 studs tall, i assumed 5 studs = 1.75 meters)
Give the dagger a shorter handle and the Greatsword a bit more width
i might temporarily halt this game to make an rng game
April 8, 2024, 5:10am
dagger handle too long, greatsword too thin
also can someone pls send me like uhhh redesign ideas
btw furinsajor’s blade must be a spearhead
why is the fire one so long
April 10, 2024, 4:41am
Bro is halting the generic game to make an even more generic game
Let’s hop on archenhailor’s RNG, TheTom.
because it’s supposed to be that big af heavy sword
also this thing is way longer than the dragonslayer, at 700cm compared to the dslayer’s ~182cm