The adventures of Typ0 and Banana in the Arcane Odyssey (WARNING HEAVY SPOILERS)

Do you think he’ll go crazy because like curses do that sorta stuff to your mind

cyborg hand :cold_face: :ok_hand:

he might if he’s in a silly goofy mood idk

My favorite part of the story is when mordenius says “it’s mordin time” and mords all over julius the glass curse user


same tbh

glass curse mid tbh growth curse on top :triumph:

couldn’t the glass just slice the tree

yeah, and then the curse user gets turned into a tree by the growth curse.

i could actually see that playing out lmao

“you know what? fuck you tree-ifies you

if randal is a tree does this mean he can pull plant bitches?

you could have not post this for free

Why does he look comfortable in those clothes



xi hao wong BING CHILLING pao taei zhen chi

one step closer to steel gauntlets

arcanium gauntlet :smiling_imp:

so I made a move that makes huge gas clouds…
