The adventures of Typ0 and Banana in the Arcane Odyssey (WARNING HEAVY SPOILERS)

A thread where me and @realisticbanana share our best (and worst) AO moments.

Feel free to share yours too!



btw I found a musket how do I put things in my hotbar?

press ` or the backpack button at the top

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the hell


hopefully your experience is better than mine. I left redwake and got spawn camped by white eyes until i server hopped

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nice bro, im gonna sleep for 2 hours then get back on my grind (it’s 6:00am for me and i haven’t slept)

hey guys uh is there a way to change controls for the dashing?

this is an awesome adventure so far


how do I place markers?

I’m having the same issue :frpensive:

LMAO :skull:

red poison is based

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quick character question

currently I’m a 50/50 conjurer, but I want to be 60/40, how do I apply my stat points correctly to do this, and also, in which one would be wiser to be 60? magic or weapons?

wiser to 60% magic so you can get aura

first W?

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how would I do that stat allocation wise?

150 points in magic exactly

100 in weapons

Edit: gonna go to bed :frsleepin:

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