The Agros glazing and anti-glazing thread

argos’ total health doesn’t lower when his armor breaks meaning he has 3k BASE hp, and he does enough damage with enough aoe to wipe out a small town, meaning he either has no accessories on and insanely good enchants (the likes of which would become available at level 200+) or he has a high power high aoe build, which is unlikely because at the level he is he would need to have everything in aoe with the 100 damage he does
this i could see, but it’s more likely these are his weapon’s enchants because every single high aoe build the player can make also gives power

if that’s the case then that just means she’s more powerful than we know, since she wouldn’t be hired otherwise


i forgot to add these to the other one, mb

he’s also a seasoned general, and four of those drops he wears for vanity
plus his halberd is the only weapon he should actually be using, as the lance is ceremonial, showing a COMPLETE disregard for safety since ceremonial things aren’t typically designed for combat! this disregard for safety obviously means he’s a worse combatant as he needs more than what he should have in order to fight properly!

he also dies after his and gets injured during his

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I remember fighting a randomly generated centurion named Julia.

him having 3k hp feels more like a gameplay restriction than his actual health. It would be weird if halfway through a boss fight they just had a roof fell on them yknow

Im ngl he’s probably just minmaxing size because of how big his devastate is :sob: I highly doubt any weapon enchant would give that much size

can’t argue with that

he’s intentionally nerfing himself and he STILL competes with Dame so he’s infact really strong

atleast he gets defeated in a cool arena


if he’s able to destroy the roof indirectly, he should be able to lift it back up or even throw it at the player using his bare hands, seeing as the player is capable of using seismic slash (literally uses ground and argos is stronger than the player physically (probably))

vetex is simply hiding it from us, the reason his damage is so low is because the enchant lowers damage and speed!

he doesn’t even have the balls to drop cursebane, why would he have the balls to nerf himself?

so argos is being sexist level? wowwwwwwww

Having an entire fort fall on you and lifting it up is a bit harder than breaking the foundation

+1 size -0.9 damage :pensive:

He infact wanted to drop his cursebane too but vetex didn’t allow that since the player could use it to shank julian

Who says argos is the one hiring ravenna guards

how do you spell argos wrong twice

agros is his evil twin

the player can return to fort castrum less than an hour after argos dies and it’s completely in tact

caesennia would’ve dropped cursebane smh

ok but he literally hired the guys who hire the guys or at the very least hired the guys who hired the guys who hired only guys

hoo boy you’re going high, HIGH up on the tickle list. check your behavior if you don’t want to become first prey.

Mirage argos fixes the fort in mere minutes because the player can’t fight them otherwise

Caesennia drops the lamest loot what makes you think she’d drop cursebane :yawning_face:

He’s not a human mind reader, he can’t see if someone’s sexist or not just by looking at them

so argos doesn’t have sensing? so hes mentally weak? got it

inexperienced one would say

he’s not a magic user goofball

all builds will be able to sense in full release

uh, well you see. Nuh uh