Going to send you to ravenna as a pile of ashes.
And that one centurion in the escape cutscene.
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no non ono no nono no
iris art IRIS ART
may your eyes rest in peace
This art piece is an anomaly!
dude this is LIT (pun unintended)
anomaly is actually a pretty dope nickname wonder if we’ll get to see how iris got her magic anytime soon
Bru where is artist cause I am willing to pay actual money to get one of my character
Just go to the artist group and DM one of them ig. Some do commissions, some don’t. I suggest (somehow) getting in touch with them via discord as artists really aren’t all that active on the forums outside of a few faces so discord DMs ought to be a better bet
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Thanks I will see if this guy is willing to offer a commision lol
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