The AO cycle

fuck over pvers
fuck over pvpers
fuck over everyone

we should all be done

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I tried for a good half an hour to push out any comment, ANY COMMENT at all before coming to the realization that it’s for the best if I just put as much effort into it as I should put into AO from now on, zero.

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90 millionth post that makes me question why the poster even plays or interacts with the game anymore because they sound like they really fucking hate it

Obligatory doom post following new content additions

i dont lmfao

gets kinda hard not to when its a 50/50 if you lose shit each update

i dont even have acrimonies, hell i wasnt even a victim of the exotic bug, but im still pissed and disappointed

we should all hop on sekiro

everyone’s oblivious until they got hit with the L bomb themselves :pensive:

Do they even know the full extent of the damage?