The Arcane Chronicles

the book didn’t come out of nowhere, it’s actually in the Myriad Library already (along with other W.I.Ps)

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i dont remember any of the books having work in progress in their titles

  1. world history
  2. trigno
  3. averill

my favourite core school subjects

They have always had that, its because their story isn’t finished yet. Trigno and Averill are still alive and the world is still here

Yeah im not 100% sure this is real, the font looks weird, no books in the myriad have wip in the title, and we all know how much patreons like to misinform the community for giggles (ive done it before)

custom font go brrr

im hopping on rn to see if its real or not

hint first floor

Ok fine its real but i swear that must have been added post release, since i have looked through the library and there are a few i dont recognise at all

A few books do have the wip title

No I looked at them all on release and nothing has changed

im looking at the wiki, nothing about trigno or the arcane chronicals book, so either the writer missed them or they havent always existed

The writer missed them, they have been in the game the entire time. You can try to find footage of early gameplay if you want to check for yourself

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they have always existed, I explicitly remember seeing them all when I was progressing my first file


Don’t listen to them, this is a psyop, they’re trying to brainwash you, don’t let them make you forget the truth

They have always been there since release day

alright alright i get it, i must have misremembered

I thought your favorite school subject was somehow knowing this game more than knowing how to confuse me to a migraine-inducing degree which has gotta be your second favorite.

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