The Arcane Conspiracy: Story Predictions

I’d rather the MC take the stab, then we can go through some Underworld section of the game as we see our forgotten past as our life fades and we descend further and further. Perhaps if our enemies are the Titans we could descend into Tartarus and catch a glimpse of a future foe of ours. Preferably a life/healing magic/curse user is present or introduced earlier to facilitate us actually surviving the stab, but this would be a good way to show us what the Order is, give us some clues on what they are experimenting on us for, and causing our characters resolve to be reinforced and lead to us realizing our full potential.

Ideally around this time for us magic users, Vetex whole idea for reinforcing our mind can happen around this time as well. Could be pretty symbolic, although I don’t know what Vetex has in mind for other classes. Fighting styles can become lost variants later but I doubt that could tie into this. Then again the reinforcement doesn’t necessarily have to happen as a result of us coming back, but rather a post-“revival” version of our character will presumably be close to the level for that anyways.

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Really leaning into the Greek myths part of the lore it seems. Since it is a few months after the death of Durza there is a chance that the peacekeeper would be meeting Hades at the time and that could be interesting to see. The problem is that the MC would have to be considerably weakened beforehand to die from the stab, since for non curse users it is literally just a sword that inhibits their magic for the duration of the stab.

Well there are a few scenarios that we can take into account for this based on location in the story.

2nd Sea:
In the Nimbus Sea the armies of Keraxe could invade earlier than we thought, which could lead to some form of a “War Arc” for our characters. We could push them back but maybe a high ranking member (we’ll just say Commander) of the Keraxe navy fights out character, severely weakens us while a curse user fights Morden. Said Keraxe commander grabs a Devourer and leaves us to the mercy of a bunch of minions whom we barely manage to defeat due to us having been severely injured already. We make a rush towards where Morden is, and just before a weakened and exhausted Morden is stabbed we manage to push him out of the way and get stabbed ourselves.
From here Morden could in a moment of shock and rage blast the Keraxe commander, causing him to rapidly decay and thus killing him. In our case we already lost consciousness soon after since we:

  1. Fought a Keraxe commander and lost
  2. We fended off a company of Keraxe vikings (Google says around a few dozen to 200, let’s just say around 36 to 50)
  3. We then ran across the battlefield or wherever we are to reach Morden
  4. We then are stabbed in the chest, remember, we are not a curse user ourselves so we would naturally be weaker and lack the presumed vitality a curse user would have (more so at this point in time)

In this scenario I doubt Warren will be present due to politics for most of the war. As for Iris and Neviro, I guess they will be in a safe location. Presumably this would all take place in/at the Kingdom of Sameria so they would presumably be defending the queen. Morden being a wielder of death would ironically carry us to life, in other words take us to a healer of some sort who will barely be able to bring us back.

Later Seas:
Only way I can see this happening is if we get caught up in some fight with Keraxe or a high lord. Most other situations, I feel like our character would end up coming out on top. Alternatively, Vetex could always have us fight another ancient curse user (Morden is one, logically a more skilled one would be able to beat him and then beat us) and we take the devourer hit so Morden can get a lucky shot to chase them off.

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Each member of the group has a reason to jump in front of a devourer for Morden.
The MC is Morden’s closest friend and also knows about devourers and how powerful the death curse is.
Neviro would get a chance to prove that he isn’t weak and useless like he thinks he is. He also respects Morden.
Iris acts in a pretty rash and emotional way, and would try to protect a friend without really thinking about it, she also would get a chance to protect the curse that her dad died for and not let it fall into the wrong hands. There are also some other, unconfirmed reasons that Iris might try to protect Morden which I will not discuss but I’m sure some other people would be glad to (Ruby)
Warren would be able to properly involve himself in the group, putting his friends before politics, his life and his curse (once again assuming he has one) This would be good character development since the first time we meet him he doesn’t trust us and is secretive. It would also serve as a good way to kill off the old mentor character and provide a lot of power to the enemy in the form of the inferno curse.


I don’t think it’s ever mentioned what her dad knew that the Order wanted. It’s currently just speculation, it could be related to Beringer but in all honesty it could be something else entirely. For all we know Iris could also be special in some way that could interest the order but who knows.

Regardless, all of the points here are valid, everyone has their own reasons for getting involved if they do and I don’t doubt that they would get involved. I’m pretty sure the Death curse can be argued to be more dangerous than the inferno curse to some extent. I remember some people mentioning the possibility that the Death curse could be an experimental curse or something that was made by Hades.

I don’t think her dad knew either but she did say that he and the other people died just for the “stupid curse” so her protecting it would show that she isn’t letting her dad’s death cause it to fall into the wrong hands. He died in the order’s search for the curse, so she would protect the thing he died for.

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A Kingdom would try to develop a superpowered weapon. It could use a Curse for energy in some way. Wether its a handed weapon or a ship part I’d like to see something like this. For example, when we will attempt to stop Keraxe from invading Sameria, they would start developing a weapon like that and we would have to destroy it.

god curse-fueled superweapon of mass destruction sounds so good

i want one

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