The Arcane Conspiracy: Story Predictions

Previously, on The Arcane Conspiracy:

I spoke on the quite popular theory that the final boss of Arcane Odyssey will be the greek titans/ kronos, using stuff like potential foreshadowing and parellels. I will be using very similar tactics on most of these conspiracies

This time on Arcane Conspiracy, I will try to predict possibly turning points/ major events in the AO story. There isn’t much concrete/ tangible evidence to support some of these theories as my last two, but I’ll try to use the best evidence i can put together

story spoilers

Morden’s Death

Many already theorize that Morden will die in the story. Whether it be from his own curse, Us having to strike him down, the order, or something completely else like his dumbass walking into the sea, Many have come to believe that morden will probably die in the fourth of fifth sea. This has some merit to it. Many forms of media often kill off an important character close to the MC as a way to provide motivation for the MC to get stronger, and as AO seems to have a sort of “dark-ish” undertone to it, It would 100% be possible that morden would be killed off.

If I were to pinpoint my estimation on when he would die, he would die in the Fourth sea as it would be the perfect time for the MC and the gang to get stronger. By that time the death curse would most likely affect morden significantly, AND we would be more desperate for a power up as we are nearing the last 2 seas, as there isn’t really much “powerups” we could get after the second awakening

Probability that morden dies
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Which Sea do you Believe Morden dies in, if any
  • 2nd - Nimbus Sea
  • 3rd - ???
  • 4th - ???
  • 5th - ???
  • 6th - ???
  • None (Morden doesn’t die)

0 voters

Warren Dies

Now jumping from one of the popular theories, to one of much lesser renown, It could be possible that warren dies for a few reasons. One of the strongest reasons is i believe that warren is a parallel to Theos.
As we know, Vetex LOVES paralleling (Redwake having a society very similar Doom island, The second islands being opposites, Nimbus and Cumulus, well, you already know). The point i’m trying to make is that i genuinely think that Theos and Warren are supposed to be parallels. They both share: A magic proficiency related to fire magic, They both mentor you on how to awaken your First awakening/ mind, They are somewhat mysterious figures when they both appear, and are implied to be WAY OLDER than they actually look, I could keep on going but you probably get the point.

Anyways, you probably know the story, Theos does end up dying to the hands of undead Prometheus/ Durza. I think with how Vetex likes to parallel his characters/ settings, Warren may face a similar fate. It is very likely that Warren will be killed by an order member or something similar of the matter. Remember: Theos lost EVERYTHING, his love, his village, his people, and was only left with his close friends (who were also most likely killed) and pupils. Warren, on the other hand still has his village and people perfectly in tact. If Vetex is really paralleling Warren to be the stand-in for Rheos, it could be really likely that Warren will die trying to Protect Azura, or have Azura destroyed infront of his eyes and die trying to protect one of his pupils. I’m not too sure which sea this could be in but if i were too assume, it could be the third sea.

Remember, Both Warren and Theos seemed practically invincible when we first met, but that could/ would change when the story goes further and we learn more about them

Probability that warren dies
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

How do you think warren could die?
  • Protecting Azura
  • Protecting his pupils (MC, Iris, Morden)
  • Misc. (Reply what you think)
  • None (Warren lives to tell the tale)

0 voters

The final boss will be in the epicenter

Another lesser known theory. Basically, The theory goes that we will most likely fight the leader of the order, or potentially the TRUE final boss in the epicenter of the dark sea, supposedly the most magic-dense place in AO’s world. An NPC in sailor’s lodge refrences this place, and while it could just be an interesting throwaway lore dump, i severely doubt Vetex would just detail such a mysterious and intriguing island just to do nothing with it.

The main point people use the support the theory is that there are 6 high lords and there are 6 seas present in the war seas. The fact that we fight one high lord (calvus) tells us that we will most likely be fighting one High lord per sea (unless vetex does some crazy switch-up and makes one our ally or makes us fight 2 in one sea). This simply doesn’t add up. Where would the leader be located then? It would be quite odd to make us fight a high lord in the 6th sea then fight the leader right after that back-to-back, thus, some theorize that we will fight the Leader in some place separate from all of that, which the only area i could think fitting that description is the dark sea.

Something interesting to note about this theory that ties in with my previous theory on the titans is that The PK was looking for Hades via setting out into adventure, now think about this: Tartarus is under Hades (underworld), which is states to be in the “outer” limits of the ocean , It could be very likely that this “epicenter” could potentially be IN the epicenter. Not much else to say other than if the Titan theory is true, then it is VERY likely we will fight them in/ near the underworld.

Probability of the Epicenter being the final “sea”/ island
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Who is the second Baron of the bronze sea?

The second Baron of the bronze sea is unknown, If you look in the order tab, we have Argos as the first baron, and calvus as the high lord Calvus, and then a completely blank spot. Personally, I believe the most likely contender for Baron would be General Julian. This is likely for 2 reasons:
1.) We are already aware of Julian’s powers, and at first got completely CRUSHED by his power. he was set up as a character who introduced the threat and power of curse users before, It would make sense for him to be the second baron , we don’t really know much about the other generals and it would be pretty disappointing if Vetex just threw a general out of absolutely nowhere for us to fight
2.) It ties into the story. It is pretty obvious we will be fighting whatever Baron in fort castrum, a future Ravenna fort in the bronze sea. It was Julian’s job to protect Calvus from Iris, Morden and the MC but he ultimately failed, giving him much more of a reason to fight us. It is also implied that Morden and Julian were on the same footing, and seeing as Morden wasn’t really TOO seriously injured, I doubt morden ended up killing Julian, especially in the time limit of us fighting Calvus. I’m not gonna bore you too much with the rest of the speculation but, it could very likely be that later on in the story ravenna tries to become a thorn in our side again and we have to deal with them in the future

Probability of Julian being the second baron
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

(Misc. Poll) Who do you think the second baron of the bronze sea is?
  • General Julian
  • Lord Ulricus
  • Another, unrelated character

0 voters

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If Julian was second baron I think he would kill player instantly

Morden will kill warren and then neviro defeats him using the shatter curse :fire: :writing_hand: :fire: :writing_hand: :fire: :writing_hand: :fire: :writing_hand:

Let him cook?

It feels like Ulricus isn’t in the Order, and has no idea that his children were in it.

We’re responsible for deaths/defeat. If he were in the Order, he would definitely know it was us. But it just seems like he doesn’t know what happened to them.

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More arcane conspiracy Les go

I don’t think Julian is necessarily part of the order, he doesn’t know why the player does the things he does.

On his perspective, the player just killed a general of ravenna and destroyed fort talos. His motivation to fight the player and stop them at their tracks can be explained by his loyalty to Ravenna rather than the order

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Commodore Kai is more likely the second baron because of Kenton’s mention of corruption in the Navy and his death quotes referencing “them” or mysterious figures. Although he could just be roped up with the Assassin Syndicate or a set up for an Order member far deeper in the Navy’s hierarchy.

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Keraxe rolls up with bottle of seawater and throws it at Warren


i think julian would be a smaller boss is not one of the order
kinda like elius or carina

I feel like it makes more sense for Morden to die at the very end of the story (6th Sea) rather than before that point like the 5th Sea.

Remember, just like the player, he’s part of the same bloodline that seems to originate from the Gods, and people like them are destined for greatness in the world. So Morden probs won’t go down till the very end because of this. He’s destined for bigger things too like the player, whether that’s for bad or good.

Plus, this isnt another Theos or mentor character that would die earlier to push the player forward, this is a person who started off the same way as the player does, and seems to act as a foil to them and their story. It personally makes sense that he makes it to the 6th Sea at least.

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Theory: Iris will die :smiling_imp:

She is very much so the most “happy go lucky” member of the group, and given how dark the overall plot and atmosphere of AO is (war crimes, human experimentation, murder and regicide, and of course the whole dark sea)
It’s possible that if someone is going to die, it’ll probably be her (along with Morden perhaps?)


i want neviro to die too

Lets just kill everyone make game end by capturing player and brainwashing him via tortures

I know basically 0 lore outside of AO, but I have a few stuff to point out:

  1. Morden dying is a pretty good theory. If he ends up getting processed by the curse and we or Iris has to kill him, Vetex would prob get best story reward or smth. I also think Neviro will die, although it’s less likely, it’s possible he might go thru some arc in which he dies upholding justice and defending others.

  2. Warren always felt like a Luke Skywalker dude to me, except a lot more well written tbh. If he dies he likely dies from protecting smth. After seeing Beringer die he might felt guilty and try to protect those around him and ultimately die trying, and maybe before he dies he says smth like “you are my proudest student”.

  3. Julian being a Baron has some conflicting evidence. First, during the events of Castillo, he says he “doesn’t know what the players intentions are”, if he holds such a high place in the order he prob should’ve known. Second, Ulricus might not be a Baron either, since he seems rather old. Commodore Kia might be a Baron due to his death words but they’re more likely associated to the Syndicate. Another less possible theory is General Olivar, although we’ve never met them and they’re probably dead if they weren’t a curse user.

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Add a sacrafice system in AO :cook:

Might be possible, but thinking on it… I realized that it might actually be the Order. Mainly because of two things:

  • Iris’ dialogue if you run into her at Silverhold. What’s interesting is what she tells you on her findings about Grand Navy. When she asked about any ships passing by, they told her they didnt see anything, and she comments that its odd…

    There’s no way the Grand Navy didnt see those ships from Stepstones to Fort Talos, especially when you remember that Morden saw those exact ships from Palos Town. Palos Town is literally in between the Stepstones and the Silverhold Base. It means the Grand Navy lied and covered up for those ships, full of Order members.

  • Edward Kenton’s story and quest with the Grand Navy. The Grand Navy’s orders to kill a whole town and sounds way too similar to what happened with Ravenna. Also, by the time we do his quest, he mentions that we’re both kinda looking at corruption in different places and that something also seems wrong in the higher ups, a statement that mirrors what was commented on Ravenna back in Frostmill by the Mayor. Kinda makes it sound like our journey will somehow converge and discover its the Order responsible for both…

The player’s main goal is to stop the Order of Aesir, and I think that aligns more with what Commodore Kai said, with his statement wondering if we knew his secret or not, implying that if we knew, we would’ve tried to fight him in that way. He might not have to be a Baron though, might be Officer or something, but associated with the Order regardless.

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I’m calling it now: at somepoint in the story, someone is going to try to stab Morden with a devourer, and someone is going to jump in the way.


Free trauma! Bonus points if it’s MC that gets the stabby (Have you read how he reacted to Julian almost killing MC? Oh boy…)

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I think it might be interesting if warren starts to care for Morden enough that he takes the stab, valuing his friend’s life more than (presuming he has the inferno curse) his own life and the curse.