The Arcane Odyssey 3/2/2024 QNA Transcript - All Questions & Answers written down

hopefully its earlier in nimbus than later

Let’s hope it’s something in game and not a gamepass. I don’t wanna buy any robux :disappointed_relieved:

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Alright, got it!

To clarify on this one (I didn’t write the full answer down), you have to have maxed a character first, THEN you can do that for alt files, boosting you up to 100, 200, etc with some basic gear to boot. Vet and Tech didn’t say a new player can just outright buy their way to max lol.


That’s what i meant, for alt files

Dang you really gonna do me like that on my own post?

nay nay, not u, different crimson guy

his pfp is a drawing of a guy with brown/back hair

T-That’s me. I swapped it up because that pfp had some bad connotations I found out LOL.

I’m the suggestion maxer. I made the Sea Monster Bounties/artifact suggestions you can go and check rn. I swear I am not an imposter.


my bad i identify people by their pfp sorry :skull:


GAHHHH poll time
Which one is better?

  • Level 132
  • Level 135
0 voters

135 because something about the number 132 REALLY bothers my brain.

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It doesn’t end in a 5 or 0, it’s pissing me off

Also surprised I haven’t seen many people talk about this.

We’re getting monthly updates after Nimbus!

Isn’t that basically how most people feel about this?

having that is awesome, but i’d still just have it be that magics that don’t work underwater atm should just work a bit less. because unless this is a thing you basically learn at level 10 (at which point it’s just weird not having it immediatly but oh well that’s nitpicking) your early game experience is gonna be pretty annoying, and will basically force you into not interacting with underwater content still. it’s not the worst thing, and if you can get it at like level 60 it’s fine.

there truly is a god above.

“How will you handle leveling alt files when the level caps are so high late game?”
You’ll be able to skip levels via a product.

ehhhh, would rather have an exp boost. i mean, we can have both lol

thought the inventory is basically the main culprit (there’s still other ones but those are alot smaller iirc)

We are so cooked LOL

Holy shot monster hunter elder dragon repel quest

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I’m black and I’m scared

ohoho have I been READY for this one

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it’s over the survivors of the Abyss Sea