The Arcane Odyssey 3/2/2024 QNA Transcript - All Questions & Answers written down

That’d be nice, wouldn’t undo my pain and hatred, but it’d be nice

Paper would be the most likely one given the fact that wood magic exists, although, I don’t see anyone going out of their way to create paper magic in lore

Nope, Tech said “You will meet the last 3”, just rechecked the vid. Two other threads that transcribed the QnA also said “Last 3”.

So yeah, the final number for our main group (including MC) is 6-7.

Oo, sorry I shoulda clarified this better.

Okay guys hear me out

  • One of Durza’s curses can raise the dead

  • Juraserva have to have a base somewhere

  • Bring back Tucker

Tucker Carlson boss in AO confirmed. You heard it here first

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the news using a curse to bring back tucker…

When vetex VS memory leaks saga


Every update bro. Vetex’s battle with memory leaks is eternal.

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he should make a clone of the game, and then delete specific parts of it until he can find what causes the leak

he should hire someone to do that…

Yo, we should do a forum-wide hunt for those nasty leaks. The first one to find the memory leak gets dem sealed chests! (Its said in the QnA)


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