The Arcane Odyssey 3/2/2024 QNA Transcript - All Questions & Answers written down

Vetex also confirmed we’ll meet him again, so it’s definitely possible

Really hoping wotan becomes an ally

as like, a rival mentor to warren

it’s most certainly one of them

my 1st file thats been around since WoM lags af everytime i open the inv, meanwhile my newer files have no such problem ( suprising i know )

alright but this might actually be right
Especially if we consider Ambane’s strange staff, definitely a spirit weapon.

yeah and many people have been saying this and it’s pretty easy to test that out. so idk why vetex says they have NO clue on what the memory leaks could be (another one is most likely dark sea, which could be somewhat fixed by having dark sea being a different server instance)

inventory needs a rework anyway.

steleus maybe, he said he could teach a few tricks

holy shit maybe he’ll be the one to waterproof our magic (please vetex i want to not need to use ash to have a chance underwater)

my idea is that they might come back with revon whenever he finally hunts you like he said, maybe if you killed them ulricus will go with him looking for revenge for his kids

also idk if neviro is part of the gang officially, he left for ravenna so i cant see him coming to sameria

if this turns out true every single one of my future files gonna become serial killers.

mfw the pacifist route is not the good ending!!!

i think itd be cool to see them train him, elius and carina combined have magic, weapons, and fighting styles so i think itd be fun symbolism to have him become a savant like his brother

also hi whats up we havent talked since like october

It would be pretty interesting I guess but I’d be pretty miffed that being a nice person didn’t pay off in the end

nothing much hbu

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thats what you get for not picking the Objectively correct route :smiling_imp:

also not much i just got back interested in ao with this qna, i havent looked at any updates or read any patch notes since dark sea yet

I can’t believe undertale lied to me… :cold_sweat:

nice, you seen what sameria looks like yet?

I don’t understand how cutscene are “too anime” but having cutscenes in game would be kinda weird unless it’s during a in game cutscene


Missed opportunity

Oh that’s exciting :eyes:


Yeah, cutscenes for ults would just fall into the same issue that prevented clashing from returning

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I can see cutscenes for ults in a story cutscene working though

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That’s the only way I could see them working

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pretty sure he said “you’d meet three” rather than “the last three”

funnily i thought about making an unofficial agora clan when diving spots released

Why did I even bother being born if this was gonna happen


I know they won’t return (R.I.P.), but the fact that Man-Made Magics are canonical with Aether Lightning makes me wonder if they are possible lore-wise, at least theoretically.