I’m talking about the April fools update, it’s fun as hell but a bit overwhelming
april fools update? I haven’t played IA in like a week.
Oh, I remember it’s called “Serious Asylum” now. I’ll just check the update out on my own time.
do it soon, the April fools updates never last long.
here’s a few changes:
spear has no cooldown
deployable joel has no cooldown, you can make thousands of them in a second
half the weapons fling you
nothing has a cooldown
pretty serious
- Make new file
- Level it up asap
- Tries to make build
- Gets tired of bandit beating and playing digging simulator
- Quits for 4 days
- Goes back to fuck arround in game
Try getting max noteriety and waiting for 20 marine ships to jump you
Genuinely so true
I hope the monthly update system does something coz rn trying to find entertainment after a week of an update gets difficult
I hope vetex makes the clan update the best of the updates, he said he’s really excited for it. maybe it would fix the so cycle if it’s good
- Play ao
- Kill myself
so real
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