The arcane odyssey

that is for you to learn

alright ima do it but later

everyone’s waiting what will you do opticalcord

mb bro I’m sick

it’s okay opticalcord

Do whatever rn we are all waiting

Also who th is lord aesir

the puppeteer behind the strings

the guy who says this is-,this is…,this is truely an,this is truely an arcane odyssey

i hope you feel better, opticalcord. for your sake and mine.

I am good now

@Cryonical suspend optical please I BEG

@Cryonical Suspend optical I BEG as WELL

bro how do you guys just appear whenever I post something he let me

You didn’t provide any context on what you would do though

bro he knew exactly what I was gonna do

which was?

bro you didn’t even let me see it

  1. The topic was bumped
  2. Pick a time when I’m not foruming the forum.


You purposefully left out your intention. That aside, if I said you can post uncropped porn here would it be acceptable to?

so what time are you not foruming the forums?