The Arlecchino get icons

Idk lol im playing it my ear

If you like to draw, a challenge of drawing my character. Why do i say challenge well cuz too much detail :person_shrugging:

Takashi Silverthorn

22 year old man (fact that my character is actually 22 years old) with black hair with bit of silver colored hair, blue eyes, and stubbles.

A warrior wielding either triasta, kai saber, scimitars of the storm, vindicator, and ravenna greatsword

He wears red sailor headband, calvus’s armor that he “borrowed” after some “incident”, Carinna pauldrin for extra plating on shoulder, carinna’s bracelets, and warrior boots, large red cloak, and a large red jacket over his large red cloak

Honestly my character looks like he used to be a ravenna general or smth lmao

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Gahdaaaaamn, these all look so nice, Aether (if I can call you that)!

I’ll be extremely, 100% sure not to get on your guild’s/clan’s bad side and be put on their KOS list :upside_down_face:

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Art category is the best category in the forums, change my mind.

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Absolutely you can, it is my name!
And we dont really have a kos list were casual players

Cant, youre right, art category is great. Writing is a close second


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Ignore that last part, we totally have a KOS list now/j

We do??? This is news to me