My guild is full of lovely people, who all deserve icons, so now we all have them.
Isaiah Yharim, our fearless leader, Il Dottore of the clan
Leann Rosberg, a witch who makes a lot of money, Innamorati
Nova Lundqvist, everyone’s favorite battle mage, Innamorati
Aiora Reyde, who is definitely not absolutely insane, Innamorati
Solomon Silver, professional golden retriever boy, second in command, Il Capitano
all of china knows youre here
Well. Hello, forum! Maybe ill make an introduction post or something.
Isiah and Solomon are the only two who are remotely stable i think
That is because they are very moody, I can confirm.
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Is all the drawn character all male that looks like female
Except solomon since i already know his gender but what about others, are they all male with female appearance😂
No, solomon and isiah are both male, i dont think isiah looks that feminine though… its just the style its in i think
Isaiah reminds me of Zarya from overwatch 
I gotta point of that the 2 men aka Solomon and Isaiah is being 
Meanwhile the 3 woman is being in
Aiora is crazy, Nova is apathetic as a character trait, and Leann doesnt play with me often so i went the safe route lol
Its the pink hair isnt it
Yes and how short it is lmao
What else u gonna draw now?