No I id mater look
r word
Wait shit idk why I thought it was S not R
Lmao get canceled lol
Man it’s so fucking easy to avoid it.
How do people fail this??
Ok ok estat I will cleanse myself of the fobidden lette
Lol I just fogot that’s it’s R not S fo some eason
Omfg shit
Gg lol
But you failed too like in the fist wod
Ok I’ll replace it, it was instinctual and no this doesn’t count
Damn I only used 1 r in that sentence without trying, pog
Ok stating fom now we not gon fail
Ah yes the forum but everyone talks like non-educated 5 year olds
Online Fighting
Awcane Adventuwes
Wowld of Magic
Awcane Odyssey
i mean you don’t have to use funny uwu language
you can just not say the lette at all
so it just looks like this
An anawysis of the Josh vs Josh fight.
Yes, I was hewe on this histowic day, Apwiw 24, 2021. Joining the wivestweam, I was shocked to find so many peopwe had gathewed to the coowdinates given by Josh. But I suppose that’s to be expected fwom such a monumentaw occasion. The Josh who had owganized the event stayed out of the fight, which was disappointing, but awso not suwpwising because if thewe was one mowe Josh, the Joshes combined wouwd pwobabwy wip the pwanet in hawf with theiw sheew powew.
The fight stawted with a woud megaphone signaw. Aww Joshes wouwd dwaw theiw poow noodwes, immediatewy going into Supew Saiyan God + Uwtwa Instinct. Theiw poow noodwes wouwd swam into each othew, each hit cweating a buwst of seismic enewgy enough to ovewthwow Big Chungus himsewf. With each hit one Josh wouwd faww, yet thewe seemed no end to the powew this awea hewd. At wast, the weakew Joshes feww, and it tuwned into one finaw battwe. Josh Swain vs Wittwe Josh. Both cweawwy the stwongest of the Joshes, Wittwe Josh and Josh Swain wouwd have a battwe to end aww battwes. Each bwow wouwd wock the vewy foundation on which the fwat eawth wests, the sheew speed of both Joshes cweating enough fwiction to genewate heat wike the sun. Finawwy, it stopped. And Wittwe Josh had come on top. The 4 yeaw owd, when asked why he fought, simpwy wepwied with “I wike fighting.” Twuwy a testament to his skiww.
Now, this begs the question: if Josh Swain and Wittwe Josh had combined and fused into Wittwe Josh Swain with a potawa eawwing, wouwd it have cweated a being stwong enough to wivaw Jake Pauw? Onwy time wiww teww. Fow now, we must enjoy this spectacwe God has so gwaciouswy gwanted us.
I can just do this
A"r"cane Odyssey fo"r"ums but you can’t use the lette"r"