The bane of my existence

  • shit the obulus is after me
  • drop the chests to raise them to the water so I can get them once I swivel gun the obulus
  • boost with magic to conserve stamina
  • make it to the top
  • stupid ship ladder prevents me from climbing up and still uses my stamina
  • get eaten

gonna go check the punishment for pinging vetex here rq brb

THESE THINGS SUCK MAN. No seriously, I have died more by getting stuck on these things rather than actually fighting


amen brother

Wanna know something about these is the fact that it just holds a bunch of nonclippable rope that for some reason can’t be climbed. I do not know why its a collidable object but I think vetex just made it that why for laughs as we get chomped by 10 sharks consecutively

Its either this or getting stuck under my cannons on my brig

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literal “you’re at his fucking mercy, kid”

Yes remove it from the game

those things never kills me, but bring me to near irl death cuz of heart attack from sheer panic after having to do the GTFO of there tactic in the dark sea with 2 brigs and white eyes on my back. Loved it, please make it non-collision.

W take

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