The bane of my existence

okay the title is a bit of an exaggeration but I always seem to get suck on these things when I try to climb a ship
this happen to anyone else?


Once I died because of them
These things are the real ennemies of AO


these things should be clippable like other parts of the ship


no but seriously wtf ive almost died to those things more than anything

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remove those from the game bro :sob:



just eat them??


just eat the wood

what do you think I am a wood magic main???

wood is pretty tasty :yum::yum::yum:

Average wood mage

The only reason I have a wood mage file is cuz I did a tangler cosplay

One of the few reasons I use my sunken sword without access to flying phoenix. It was bas enough almost drowning whenever I board an NPC caravel, and now my own ship is out to send me to the depths.

you don’t know how many times I’ve tried to board a ship precisely under those things
I also don’t know, but the number is very big
At least they don’t cause me to drown because I almost always use my diving loadout while sailing.

the bastard

i hope you’re ready to mash space, climb up, and somehow fall off anyway

1, how aint your computer exploding that that good graphics
2, youre not alone
3, ever tried climbing on the sloped ledge of a caravel/brig? i did that before dark sea update (on accident) and got yeeted to the east dark sea
so far that the T5 insanity hasnt even appeared nor deleted my hp

Imagine Vetex replies to this and is like “It’s brilliant game design since it makes you think about positioning while fighting on boats in the middle of the water, so stop whining pleb” or something like that.

The funniest thing about this is that he could say that :laughing:
