The best and least boosted Assassin Syndicate player

this silly ass lost to my level 108 file lol

this silly ass tried to gank me and lost, in my level 108 file


where are those 152 kills from? cirrus island?

probably, his boosted ass was using a ravenna greatsword like if this was pre potions meta

hes got 629 renown how is he boosted :sob:

his alt account

do u even know what this means LOL

To be fair I don’t think I know what it means either.

if someone has 200 kills and 0 pvp experience, its very clear that he is boosted

someone that receives help from another person (usually better than them) to progress
eg: your friend gives you full build the moment you reach level 120

or he just dueled his trash friend 150 times? or ganked low levels? how do you know it isnt just a pve demon in disguise

if anyone was worse then him, that person would quit AO because they cant do anything alone

he ganked me (a low level who is not good at pvp) and lost

thats not what 99% of people call boosting, most of the time when people say boosted, they are talking about renown (such as someone being shit at the game and always losing fights yet still having millions of renown)

those two are literally the meaning of boosted

Maybe, but I dont think anyone really calls giving gear or PKs boosting, just renown for the most part.

i do :+1:

are you daft, thats not what boosted means in the context of ao. Doesnt matter what you believe, youre objectively incorrect.

“objectively incorrect”

ive seen people talking about kill boosting dawg what the fuck are you smoking lmaoo :sob:

it still makes sense in this context

Not saying it doesn’t make sense, because it does. It’s just not the way the word is used in ao :man_shrugging:

2 people doesn’t define a word in a community my man