Who’s der0n
Idk, someone who quit the forums I think
If I actually received this I would assume it’s a prank from a friend or a schoolmate and leave it on my desk and not ever open it.
I’m ngl I’d not press the button
Better to save it for emergencies
I have no enemies
why did i press the button it wouldn’t even work im so dumb
If you have to specify the possibility that one of the people I dislike would die in a terrorist attack or something, then I feel like it would happen.
wait that’s so op ima just make someone who needs to be killed my enemy and we can do smth at least to them
Hey I read a story about this in my English class for a study guide
Some dude is going to show up and tell me that it’s gonna kill someone I don’t know but I get $5000 but when I press it it kills my husband and get life $5000 in life insurance and when I call the dude he says that I “didn’t actually know him”
Okay but if he actually said that, then it’d come out as
“It’s gonna kill someone I don’t know” which would ruin the surprise if it happened outside of a retelling format.
yeah cause you and the husband argue over whether or not to press it so you dont actually know him
I was going to say that nobody has significantly wronged me in any way but then I did remember that I got physically assaulted that one time.
Regardless, it didn’t really bother me that much (maybe it should have I don’t know) and the people who did it really aren’t likely to be having particularly successful careers anyway so I have no reason to press the button.
(also if I chose not to take the incident to court, why would I choose to do something like this?)
I hit the button
I just did
What’s the point if I can’t cause chaos then? Useless, I’d throw it in the bin.
Considering its only people who’ve wronged me in a significant way and that it cannot be someone I barely know…
Pressing that button will only hurt me, since I believe I wrong myself a terrible amount.
I have things to live for like Hallowtide, AO Halloween, the Solar Oatmeal, Mis and that one VRChat group, so I wouldn’t press it (yet).
I don’t have that many people that have wronged me that I can remember, so there’s not really anyone else that’d get caught in it. Maybe my mother but I wouldn’t like that.
mfw I press the button and everyone in this forum dies.
(including me)
if you tried force pressing the button intentionally without reading the pamphlet, the box violently explodes and randomness is probably now a charred corpse without a face.
i look at the pamphlet but i cant read so i hit the button anyway
Unfortunately, everyone who I believe to deserve pain are not people I personally know.