The Cannon Man, Jonathan Booth (Commissioned by Dark_AHero on discord)

Cannon fist users rejoice


hes dropping his golden balls

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Dang, how much cannonball does he carries?

Enough to take down an Atlantean Brig

Dang… Imma hire him then.

bro got the 2000 strength

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Bruh Vetex better add golden cannonballs in the future


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imagine someone tries to make that an account banner but then the big COMMISION is on it
i suggest adding some sort of watermark or signature to not cover the art so much

The big word is just my makeshift watermark :sweat_smile: (too lazy to make a better one)