The cemetery

he was an alt?

So rb1 got banned from the game…all I gotta say for this is a simple quote:


oof the King of Alts got banned :frpensive:

Honestly at this point I think we should be more scared then anything, a man with nothing to lose is scary, and that fact is scarier if you know RB1.

the “king of alts” probably knows how to work a roblox alt

welp twoleggedabomination/anarkia just got banned in game LOL

LOL my bad. I pointed out that it was balds alt and a mod must’ve seen it and banned him

The fuck did they do for a game ban?!? Like I get he’s technically a threat to social security but last time I checked blowing up a village in WoM is different from blowing up a village IRL

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Oh huh

his other account got banned for posting a recipe for a pipe bomb I think? and alts aren’t allowed soooo

i mean if you posted the recipe for a pipe bomb violating federal law on an alt… the punishment is ofc gonna carry over if they find out about your main lmfao

Liu closed the RB1 shrine, booo

disrespectful to close the shrine of the disrespected >:(

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someone please edit in a guy peeing on the rb1 shrine

nevermind i made it myself

i just realized i own an item from baldvetex

hes gonna bypass the filter ingame to post the recipe

welcome to WoM


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