The cemetery

thought he was making some clown ass comments but didn’t think a suspension would come out of it


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What gender is Nekosaikou? I’ve seen a lot of people refer to them as “he” and “she”

it’s whatever, idrc, just gonna say “they” now.

Nekosaikou has specified he’s a guy.

oh right, right. thought i saw some people call him “she”, so I assumed.
editing the post.

[Body unclear]

does real life people count or no?


If this is true, L, deserved

also what the hell Neko you messed up real bad apparently

he has fallen, too much

sauce pls
(nvm found it)

Why do we have a cemetery dedicated to all the bad apples again?

Cause funny. And because we need to immortalize their sins somehow.

we all need a place where we can piss on their graves

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hey nekosaikou’s suspension got extended for using alts to evade suspension, which alt did he use?

IDK, but someone put their grave here, more.

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Man did they really make an alt

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hold on
…so these two accounts, who just happen to be suspended until the same date at the exact same time… and one of those posted just a day after they were suspended… yeah lmao there was an attempt
Screenshot 2021-05-14 10.35.55 AMScreenshot 2021-05-14 10.37.29 AM

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Guy could have just used some VPN or something if he was really that desperate, go big or go home :fr:

To be fair, I can see why they would think their punishment was unfair, but now the punishment feels a bit fairer because of the alt.