The Centurion Date

yesssir :poggers2:

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now do one with kjartan

Iā€™d date Edward Kenton just to have a chance to chat with him more. Jokes aside, I would like a bit more of an opportunity to just talk with the NPCs. I mean, Iris manages to becomeā€¦ bearable towards the end of the 1st part of the story. Imagine how much a few chats could go for making you like the others.

Also, maybe Vetex should add a system where you can have duel NPCs as rivals rather than random criminals. Like, the current rival system is justā€¦ there. The NPCs have one note personalities and singular lines before you beat them into the dirt. The system kinda just exists seemingly as a loose inspiration to Shadow of Mordor. Personally, Iā€™d much rather the player have like 5-8 preset NPCs with a bit more thought put into them as optional rivals rather than hitboxes with the vague functions of a character.


i always thought iris was a bitch in more ways than one.
but yeah, thatā€™s mostly the vibe weā€™re going for, expanding characters that vetex didnā€™t want to, because we really needed to have something like treasure charts instead of fleshed out characters.


Why tf would I be dating my punching bag thatā€™s sussy

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Once the higher age things finally get added to roblox i want to see a dating sim for BOTH genders [I want to date kai I want to date kai I want to date kai I want to date kai I want to date kai I want to date kai I want to date kai I want to date kai I want to date kai ]


First thing youā€™ll do is admit to regicide casually.


Shura would honestly be a good rival if we meet him again in the Nimbus sea.

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Yeah, sadly Vetex has a habit of making characters appear out of the abyss and disappear back into it literally minutes later. Weā€™ll probably see him again, though likely weā€™ll just fight him again and heā€™ll disappear onto the next sea.

I mean, whoā€™s to say she hasnā€™t figured it out by now? Youā€™re very distinctly using the exact same methods to duel her as you were seen using to kill Calvus. She probably can tell youā€™re incredibly powerful, even enough to have beaten Calvus. Could very well be a case of ā€œeh, Iā€™m not payed enough / Iā€™m too bored to care.ā€

ā€¦ or maybe thatā€™s just my headcanon.


hopefully we meet him again whenever the ryujin dynasty gets added in one of the war seas. It would be cool if he becomes a super powerful or influential figure and remembers us from the bronze sea.

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I will make the AO dating sim.

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ā€œwell, s-sureā€¦ā€

Is it that easy?

And this is why I made a build to specifically fight her and to win a fight in a minute.

Careful, heā€™s a hero.

Just look at the iris simps

Could you include genderbent white eyes in this dating simulator of yours?

@ThatOneGuy Do your thing, scroll up.

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My beloved