The Chancellor (Fannon idea)

Quick reminder that this is just me being goofy silly :3
SO… A bit of own personal headcanoning a bit of creativity hear me out let me cook-

Those who remember me drawing Hades a few weeks maybe just days ago (who’s counting) would perhaps remember the part where I brought up or hinted at Arcane Odyssey’s education system. Academy’s, universities, schools, you name it.

So I decided since Hades is completely out of the picture (which I found out when in the middle of drawing him), that this man who I named Erasmus Lockheart, will take the place of the silly little idea in my head!! Yay!

(Yous don’t need to read this bit this is just fan lore- but if you have any questions let me know :] )

In short, the idea is that he runs a major university whose reputation lies within educating those with great status i.e people like Prince Revon or Lord Elius or just the wealthy part of Ravenna in general. The university lies hidden in a wealthy part of the sea and they worship Hades as their main figure of hope.

Erasmus himself uses rose gold magic, a very rare and mostly forgotten magic (Because Arcane Odyssey I believe doesn’t have that option). He’d be a very closed man, probably hiding away somewhere only to emerge to welcome new students or just for extremely important announcements


This is so beautiful I’m shedding a tear. The patterns, the colors, MWA!!! I LOVE IT

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You cook well buddy. :nod: Keep up the good work!

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w artwork but also

rose gold is a variation of metal magic

I did not rember
Much too tired ,

He looks a tad bit BRI’ISH.

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Buddy’s a bit too colourful for me ._.

At this point, you are just basically the fashion artist of AO/AA. ALL THESE MFS ZESTY, DRIPPY, AND COOL AS FUCK. Cooking gourmet shit

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Bro even has the matching Tatoos

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The Parlor Owner…………………
Thanks for that :]

Guess what, might add you as an OC for my AA novel. The Parlor Legend that is located in Toche’s Coffer (Titan sized casino ship with a lot of fucked up stuff).

Also, no problemo :3

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You’re style is very beautiful, keep it up :fire:

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I really like the colours on him, they’re quite pretty to look at :3
Also the lore of him running a wealthy education place is quite intriguing as well

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No offense but he looks like a fucking rainbow

late but you’re rude. rainbow is awesome

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