The class name incident

Well now is not max level, and the actual skill tiers are just fine

Maybe I haven’t made it clear, but I’m mostly concerned about the titles. Why is a Conjurer Adept, while a mage is Apprentice?

Dude it is ONE WORD nobody cares :sob:

What’s vetex supposed to do, temporarily change this incredibly minor feature so it makes sense now instead of marginally later?

Could just change the title to be based around levels and not all inconsistent like that.

Or do nothing and dedicate development time to something that anyone in the world actually cares about

I care :frowning:

I don’t consider you a person

Gonna have to side with Stock. It should either be level or power-based. And the classses should NOT have different versions, it makes no sense at all.


Still, when in the world has this caused any issues beyond making a little less sense when you look at someone’s name than it should

We are in the era of 7 months of QoL.

Yeah but literally nobody but people fully versed in the tier system will notice, half the names barely indicate actual strength

“Initiate” and “apprentice” mean the same thing to most people, when compared to something like dynamic NPCs which are clearly noticeable to everyone, I just don’t think vetex is gonna change it to make more sense. He’s just gonna remove it if anything

he already was gonna remove it when he changed class names so theres no chance it isnt removed whenever he adds the new names

cause its based off your highest stat then multiplied by your build for some reason
pures are * 1
hybrids are * 2
savants are * 4
for example since a savant could get 115 weapons now that means that the savant could get up to average. 115 * 4 = 460
however a hybrid could get 168 max in a stat so that would be initiate. 168 * 2 = 336
a pure can only go up to 280 though so that would be apprentice. 280 * 1 = 280

This WILL be taken out of context

It’s based on stat points actually, it’s just that for two-way hybrids it’s HighestStat*2 so you can technically get 1.2 more “rank value” than a pure build if you have 60% in one stat