The CORRECT Conjurer Tierlist... 🔥

From the #1 conjurer demon Global… :100: :fax: :bangbang:

Warning: this tierlist is NOT for the faint of heart, if your genitalia is too minuscule you may take major offense…

Note: More the left means its ranked higher, tierlist does take into consideration magic buffs next patch but not the global changes cuz I’m not gonna bother trying to speculate that since no one’s gonna be playing the game by the time it releases anyway

Top tier magics are pretty self explanatory, the DoT demening from acid and (aoe) magma just smokes any other conj

Mid tiers Idc fight about it

Low tiers, users of any of these magics simply like to rub themselves in freshly extracted crude oil. You smell… :mask:


Okay so acid in peak makes sense but why is wood in the one piece tier?

You lot whenever someone asks for the “best” conjurer build just link them this… 100% accurate information!

I was gonna put it in the lower tiers at first but when I re-checked it s stats, since nobody uses it for whatever reason; it actually had really good stats for a conj + bleed 2 is quite good, better than most of the other magics since they don’t have any DoT other than the base bleed (at least I’m P sure its supposed to inflict bleed 2)

I think I’ve found why nobody uses wood :cold_face:


who bussed all over the weapons…

some serious pounding action happened to those swords :sob:


Notice how the guy even looks miserable from how damn fugly this build looks:

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WIND ON TOP :100: :100: (complete sentence)

It is important to understand that if you use a solid magic as conjurer you will be hitting people with a block

wasn’t acid nerfed due to the changes on stacking dots? It’s corroding would only deal 50% of what it’s supposed to.

I’m guessing bleeding 2 is also why glass and METAL are both sitting above lightning, fire, plasma, those guys.

But good to see that water magic on a conjurer is generally quite powerful. Started that the other day because I’ve hardly tried weapons at all. And when I did, I was a dumb AoE iron leg warlord who eventually went to thermo for good speed.

I will correct every tiers name, from top to bottom:
Pretty good
Underused but could be busted in the right hands

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I mean I get why lightning is at the bottom (it’s trying to be light and have good damage) but why is light at the bottom? It’s speed makes it better than most magics for imbument.

Yeah, that’s quite the hot take there. Light may not be hard hitting, but it sure is good at letting you play more aggressively than ornery linebacker.

i can confirm, my friend has a high attack speed light conj and hes basically a god damn mosquito

I have one myself, and from the time I put into learning it, it’s quite strong when you can play your cards right. It’s nowhere near terrible! It’s not like metal!

Your friend seems like the kind of person to have every ability name as “mmmmmmmmm”

Ok but elment have you fought an ice sunken that shit is aids
Move ice up

wood is based

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idk if this list is satire or not :sob: