The DarkShadow Racism Trials

We hold this trial based on the proceeding evidence:

Offense lawyer -me ig
Defense lawyer - @64arc
Judge - @3qu1Noxx

Case: Is DarkShadow racist?

@Darkshadow56556 State how you plead and if necessary choose your lawyer (it can be anyone who will bother to come here and engage ig)

I’m not saying anything without my lawyer @64arc

hi guys! :grin:

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can I be jury

Erm I would change the title cuz as far as I know certain words cant be in titles according to the guidlines. While they may not specify which words, im pretty sure rac*sm is one of them.

I have no clue about any of this make me judge

state your case

This needs to be accurate to the real court system so the trial will happen in 3 years minimum


I will be the judge because I have no idea what’s going on and am therefore unbiased

Already took it bud

Then I will be the jury

I need no evidence, I’m executioner.
I cast Level 9 Fireball (44 damage)
This might take a while

@discobot roll 14d6

:game_die: 2, 5, 5, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 5, 1, 6, 6, 2

You can’t just have one single person as the jury we would need 12 people

Give him 2-3 business days to make a case (he’s a bit slow)

Don’t worry I’m schizophrenic so I count as 12 people

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Can people with DiD count as multiple jury?

Irl probably not because they will be medicated. Although for the memes me and me and me all agree yeah.