What’s funniest about this is that the pirates still call my ship “fancy”
Maybe in this timeline they’re saying it ironically
epic video doesn’t play
virgin brig fan vs chad rowboat enjoyer
Are you the rowboat of the gods guy?
I wonder what happens if you load in, sail to claw island and set spawn and reset to despawn your boat, and have your friend drive you to the location and then you swim into the cutscene
Now you are thinking like a tester!
time to try this lmao
naw they trying to find every excuse to gank you
This doesn’t work because the cutscene requires you to have a boat and be driving it unfortunately
Also if you try to spawn your boat after the cutscene, this pops up
yeah I tried and I just drowned
Nah, my usual ship is a brig. It’s just when playing through the new story on my second file I decided to use a rowboat out of curiosity of what the cutscene would look like.
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