The entire forums fight each other to the death while i just watch

It is way better than killing 80% of the civilization.

Theos could have prevented those consequences. Therefore, he is guilty of the fact that he did not do this, but continued the destructive battle in attempts to finish off Durza.

It is. But he did it anyways so :person_shrugging:

Since you can’t seem to do your own research here.

I went and speedread through the lore just to double check.

I don’t even think durza knows who PK is until they finally encounter eachother .

No implication durza even know who pk is.

The multi continental busting blast.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Are you ok?

What even IS this mindset.

All this would result in is theos dying and the world being unnoticeably less fucked up.

Nothing would’ve changed if theos tried to tank the blast

Ah, good old online arguments…

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Dude, you just showed text which does not prove that Durza didn’t knew about protagonist, it is prove only that Protagonist didn’t knew about Durza and I agree with that.

You are idiot, I didn’t said about Theos tanking blast. You are true idiot if you just forget to read what I wrote higher:

Durza lost this fight and would not continue it if he was able to escape, unless he was in true form of rage which is not checkable.

Now shut up and go away, otherwise we both get punishment for making drama.
Thanks in advance.

Is this “your” lore proof?

Doesn’t prove anything btw.

Only proves my point even further.

Durza didn’t know about the PK, he simply is responsible for creating him. Which is ironically poetic, imagine making both a god and your own killer.

You’re braindead now.

Durza is petty.

He’s proven that THRICE

He will do the big blast unless theos kills him.

It’s obvious theos was attacking him while he charged the blast. Even then, Why in the everloving fuck would theos try and let durza go???

Yeah sure dude

I have never met someone who was THIS CONNECTED, and YET SO FUCKING DISCONNECTED from the lore in my life


this lore argument rotted my brain

Remember both sides can be wrong, who knows what has changed. Anyways disagreements like this happen but just take everything with a grain of salt in regards to lore.

It doesn’t matter because we all known Sandal is the antagonist

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The antagonist is dead.

Sandal isn’t dead.yet

The REAL antagonist is @fat_fishe

He had no other option. It was that or die, and even so, he probably couldn’t have predicted that the attack would wipe out a large portion of the human race. If you were fighting for your life, and then your last attack happened to kill 80% of the human race, that is not the same thing as intentionally killing people when your life isn’t threatened

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The lore doc heavily implies this is not the case. The big blast was part of “a desperate attempt to save his life”. Durza is not just a sadist who wants to kill as many people as possible. If he wants to rule the world then he most likely doesn’t want to nearly cause the extinction of humanity

Yes… it doesnt make sense. Until you realised:

  • All his family are dead
  • His own brother basically helped killing them
  • With all of the Gods dead, you do know that this maayyyy include his wife?
  • Currently stuck in the Underground cant get out (I could be wrong about this, hut I think Tech has said this in 2020), and he has nothing to do in there (No seriously, he doesnt actually do much in there, all he does is to make people stay dead, thats it-)

Id like to believe that these combined reasons is why Hades is “evil” he wasnt from the start. In fact, he was actually going to be more evil in the lore originally by being the one to pretty much to kill all the Gods on Olympus. You know, a lot more typically “evil”

This stuff got retconned.

what episode was this?