The epicenter

I think Our captain has actually gone insane
they are convinced Mimhere exist. WE GO BACK

Doesn’t beat this…

(I watched a livestream on discord and got an immediate SS of it, this is possibly Apoclypse Bringer or some shockwave magic. There’s a second video of this magic in action, it will basically destroy all your limbs and each move deals 500+ damage… ITS REAL!!)

It’s not aether lightning bro… :sob:
Would’ve loved it

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We going at it Again

wait this is awesome what the hell

kind of funny to think that the war seas are THIS close (relatively) to the epicenter, though
makes me wonder if it’ll become a bigger plot point in the story- wait HOLY SHIT GO TALK TO THE GUY WHO TELLS YOU ABOUT IT IN SAILORS LODGE NOW

i mean nothing will change probably but it’s worth a shot

good idea

sadly does not change

damn it. :[


I’d honestly LOVE to see the epicenter have a sort of spiritual boss for finding it.
However it’d be as strong as one of the raid-bosses and possible respawn lives because you know, its the epicenter, where it all started and its more unstable stage





He is the reason the dark sea exists after all


We found it again.

how the hell
so it’s on a random spot super far out in the map (so if you go east when it’s west you WON’T find it) and you find it twice within the same day? are you circling the map or something?

so far I did learn this:

Random spot in the I4 - i5 section
Increased spawn rate with more players
(Circle the map)
It spawns like every other island
(Possibly only one spawns, other ones won’t spawn)

The one thing i cant wait to see is the updated and new wiki page

Better poop your pants

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good thing

Weird, Epicenter cannot be in 4 insanity range, cuz there is 5 insanity range exist, which means that explosion happened somewhere else and not at the Epicenter. Real Epicenter should have highest possible pollution lore wise.

Insanity 5 range is the point of no return, the BOUNDARY of the Dark Sea equivalent to the old boundary before Dark Sea was added, meaning it would be inexplorable in that range. I think thats why its in the Insanity 4 range and not the 5th. I think the 5th canonically doesnt exist, it just serves as the game’s boundary

Makes sense. Maybe it is exist as a limit of protagonist’s mind power. Not in terms of strenght, but in terms of how long he is surviving there.

Or it doesnt exist at all, I think thats how it is. I mean, the Epicenter is in Insanity 4 range, meaning thats supposed to be the deepest part of the Dark Sea. Theres nothing deeper than that.