Aye thank you!
cursed images help me
Same universe but you do you
art quality is quite nice actually, maybe a bit more and you could be artist
concept #1 of a couple feeding each other is neat
concept #2 of what are supposed to be two enemies doing concept #1 is rather peculiar
the overall concept of love is something none of us will ever be able to grasp
but eh, good job
big shaq
I now hate it because you described it as wholesome.
I hate wholesome things.
just don’t be a total weeaboo creep like you are now and just be normal
No offence but
I’m literally cringed so hard when reading this post. I mean, good art, but maybe cut down a bit on the role play side of things?
Two bosses feeding each other is just weird, alright.
And you even took it seriously and added a while progress report section
This topic horribly went off-topic, hence the closure of it.
Also, why?