The Exiled Feeding The Minotaur Art [Completed]

33% of 6 = 2. 2 people voted disagree if you take away @NEKOSAIKOU its only one person.

But I didnt vote?

I am very sure that yes

tenor (2)



What’s disgusting

You know,
you could have not posted this
for free

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Part of me would even pay you to take it down. But I won’t

This is actually happening, I and most likely the majority of those who saw the previous post could not have predicted this outcome.

stop this
I beg you


I cannot stop, I only know how to go forward.

I tell you
take a 180 degree turn

It’s growing, mutating into a more advanced form. When it hatches, well, we can never be prepared.

when it hatches we summon vetex

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There is a great difference between being a loser and being a menace to society.

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I must keep going, even if I haven’t slept in a day, i’ll rest once i’ve finished this. I will not stop and must keep drawing Minotaur x Exiled for the people who sees the couple shipping as something beautiful!

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