The final showdown

A collab between me and @BlackPhanters33

Theos (Made by Debyl)

Acheron (Made by me)

Prometheus (Made by me)


AO-IFIED ACHERON, THEOS, AND UNDEAD PROMETHEUS??? we’re getting fed :sob::pray:

u guys did amazing work as always !!


-Theos, after Acheron killed 80% of the human population for shits and giggles


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Damn even after 1600 years of being a pile of ash, Prometheus sure is swole as fuck

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Is it a coincidence that Prometheus looks exactly like if Prince Revon was an absolutely shredded superchad?

I like prometheus’ empty expression

Yeah he nailed that vacant stare

Revon will return

Literally the one thing they share is the hair id

Which checks out every part of revon is the most twink thing alive

If only Archeron had a golden chain with a comically large diamond studded galleon symbol on it and a backwards cap that said #YOLO (You Only Live Once) on it…

and maybe some white drippy shoes with golden rims on them, I think that’d be a good improvement.

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no, his design was based off several depictions of Prometheus

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This is peak

Is it a coincidence or not

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I’m kidding, but that implies that it’s not a coincidence.

He looks great btw, you nailed Prometheus’ design, unlike the FRAUDS over at Arcane Reborn

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Lets be honest here, any JTN+Debyl work was, is and will always be peak

I like the little detail of Prometheus having a wound right where his liver would be.

Prometheus would’ve won if his liver wound was healed

yeah, its a small detail but one of my favourite

fuck… I’d like to have his acrimony if you know what I mean…

call it liquid starlight