The Five Worlds Chapter 6: The Explanation

I have been in Maui, Hawaii. I was not allowed to write my stories so I only have one.
More stories plus information:

Welp here is story. I’ll try to publish The Execution by normal time. Won’t be able to work so much on stories since I have lots of school work to catch up on. :frowning_face:

The Dragon Warrior had taken command of the regiment sent to hunt Emily and Iggie. Most of the soldiers were loyal to the Platinum Duke, and hearing he wanted to overthrow the Platinum Duke, the soldiers began plotting. The Dragon Warrior on the other hand was trying to get information from Emily.

“Why do you think the Duke is after you, Emily?” Inquired the Dragon Warrior. The two of them were sitting just a little bit away from where the soldiers were setting up camp for the night. Iggie was wrapped around Emily’s neck trying to look intimidating, and failing.

“I have no idea,” responded Emily with sincerity.

“Nor do I. The Duke was smart enough to not tell me anything about his plans. Is there anything at all that might ring a bell?” The Dragon Warrior questioned again.

“What’s your name?” Emily questioned, “I want to know so you feel more human.”

The Dragon Warrior broke out in laughter for a second before looking up again. “I go by Raven to those I really trust. Unlike you, I don’t have a shred of magic. My body courses with a form of pure anti-magic,” Raven counted off on his fingers, “Anything else you would like to know?”

“No. No,” A look of surprise was etched on Emily’s face. She hadn’t expected him to answer her, much less give her more information, “I think the duke has been after me because of Iggie. This all started after Iggie hatched for me.”

“I’ll take that into account,” Raven responded, “Let’s head back to camp, forest dragons are about.”

As Emily and Raven began heading back, a blast of fire was shot at Raven by the original commander. When the smoke cleared Raven was armored up and was not happy. Walking forward his blades formed in his hands and panic was etched across the commander’s face. Then the air seemed to shimmer in front of The Dragon Warrior. With a flash of light he was gone.

Stumbling into the large room, Raven began looking around until his eyes settled on the very angry dragon standing approximately 2 meters away by his calculations.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t feed you to the Maelstrom,” Growled the Spectator.

The Dragon Warrior began laughing. Wiping away the tears, Raven inquired, “Are you mad I killed the oversized spiky T-Rex?” A couple seconds elapsed while the two stared each other down.


“Well, If you must know, I was bored,” responded Raven.

“You are the most… Infuriating and immature creature I have ever met,” stated the Spectator.

“I’ll take that as a complement,” Raven replied.

“There is a reason I don’t keep you at the castle,” sighed the Spectator, “Your little pet cat just lost her first battle.”

“You mean Hawk?” Raven questioned the Spectator while he walked over to the large globe platform. Looking at the image being displayed he answered himself. “So, I was in the middle of something for the king of planet J-68.”

“I expected you to ask whether or not you could go save Hawk,” informed the Spectator.

“Nah, She can handle herself. Anyways, can I head back to planet J-68?”

“You’re on Planet J-68,” replied the Spectator.

“Yeah, Yeah, you know wha-” started Raven.

“WARNING! Incoming orbital object. Scans indicate a Mark-1 nuclear missile with an estimated blast radius of 15 kilometers!” Interrupted the computer.

“What?!” Exclaimed Raven and the Spectator.

“Where is it coming from?” demanded the Spectator.

“A large starship located 16 light-years away using wormhole technology,” informed the computer, “Crewed by 257 humans. Impact in 2 minutes.”

“When did humans develop starships capable of generating wormholes?” questioned Raven.

“They didn’t, these humans are from before the Crash,” answered The spectator while overlooking a full diagram of the starship.

“Ah, I was also wondering about how they had nuclear missiles as well, since we dismantled all of them.”

“How should I get rid of it?” questioned the Spectator to no one in particular.

“I would suggest I fly up to it and destroy it but this is a nuke and if I mess up I would die.”

“Ah-Hah,” exclaimed The Spectator. Leaning down he ripped one of the floor tiles out. After what seemed like a moment of staring at the tile he dropped it and the tile flew out of the passage and through the window into the sky.

“What did you do?” questioned Raven.

“I sent a message to those humans while also taking care of our nuclear predicament.”

“Good, though you might’ve just started a war.”