The Forum's Nemesis: Distribution Phase

whats your ign?

I’ll tell you mine ingame

too late

I got Blair. Dude uses 2 magic, some sword and boxing

I thought you could change rivals, well rip

Boyle odyssey

We need more people with boyle

Willing to participate

You’d have to ask one of the Boyle owners

Yo you there

i am now if you are up for boyleing

we should prob give @Catean boyle
jus makes sense

I’d need to work on my next file then
my current eight all have rivals
my only options are my three savants (magic, weapon, and FS) and juggernaut (I’m skipping that one for now because FS is hell early game). Of these four, I’ll probably use weapon savant as that was the one I was using when I did the initial day run… if only I could figure out how to actually make a good savant distribution

@Goopman @SoupSnakeSal @Bio @Flayire
Let me know when one of you is ready with Boyle

I’ll be using my alt by the way (Catean_SavantFiles)


i need a boyle too

boyle town

server is full